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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a relatively common mental health condition where an individual experiences obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours.

There are three main components to OCD:

  • Obsessions – unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts often related to hygiene or order, or may be uncomfortable thoughts of a religious, aggressive, violent, or inappropriate nature. They can arise as mental images, doubts, or urges, perfectionism and rumination.

  • Emotions – the feelings of anxiety, disgust, or guilt related to the obsessive thoughts

  • Compulsions – the things done to reduce anxiety, behaviours thought to neutralise or reduce the overwhelming negative feelings from the obsessive thoughts. This may include praying, counting, or repeating certain words.

Often the correlation between obsessive thoughts and compulsions is not completely logical or rational, but can be the only thing to relieve feelings of anguish and despair.


 The symptoms of OCD are mentally and physically exhausting, and can completely take over a person’s life, making it very difficult to function on a day-to-day basis, maintain a job, or close relationships.

Read our blog on OCD here.

For help with OCD:

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